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- Sashimi v1.6
- Written by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel <olsen@sourcery.han.de>
- Public Domain
- Sashimi intercepts raw serial debugging output on your own machine; command
- line options are:
- Startup: [RECOVER=name]
- [ON] [BUFK=n (n must be a power of 2)] [BUFFERSIZE=n] [NOPROMPT]
- Runtime: [OFF] [SAVE] [SAVEAS=name] [EMPTY]
- Sashimi is a tool to intercept the raw serial output of Enforcer, Mungwall,
- and all tool and application debugging output that uses kprintf(). This
- makes it possible to use serial debugging on a single Amiga, without
- interfering with attached serial hardware such as modems and serial
- printers.
- This is a drop-in replacement for the "Sushi" tool, as written by Carolyn
- Scheppner. Well, not exactly. Sashimi has a few different/new features and
- does not support the complete feature set of the "Sushi" tool. Sashimi only
- runs from Shell and requires Kickstart 2.04 or higher. Sashimi cannot patch
- the older Enforcer at run time which means that you have to use Enforcer
- V37 or an equivalent like CyberGuard.
- Quick usage
- ===========
- Here's what's in my "S:User-Startup" file:
- Run >NIL: MungWall NAMETAG
- Run >NIL: Enforcer RAWIO
- All standard serial debugging functions are intercepted. Currently, the
- patch to the serial debugging input function just returns a `y'. Standard
- serial debugging output and Enforcer output go into Sashimi's circular buffer
- (the size is user-definable, with a default size of 32K), where it is
- noticed by the Sashimi process and written to the output window. The
- Sashimi process is signalled whenever a carriage return or linefeed comes
- through kprintf().
- Sashimi has several startup options, and several runtime options:
- Startup: [RECOVER=name]
- [ON] [BUFK=n (n must be a power of 2)] [BUFFERSIZE=n] [NOPROMPT]
- Runtime: [OFF] [SAVE] [SAVEAS=name] [EMPTY]
- Startup options
- ===============
- RECOVER=name Sashimi will search the Amiga memory for the buffer created
- and maintained by a previous invocation of Sashimi. This is
- useful if the system crashed before you had any chance to
- save the Sashimi buffer to disk. While the search is in
- progress the system will be frozen. There is no guarantee
- that Sashimi will find any older buffer or that the contents
- of the buffer found will still be intact. Once the data is
- found, it will be saved to the file with the given name.
- Sashimi will exit immediately after processing the recovery
- command. No further action will be taken. Depending on whether
- it was successful in recovering the data, Sashimi's return
- code will be either 0 (= success) or 5 (= failure).
- ON Default (not required)
- BUFK=n Changes the circular buffer size from default 32K to specified
- power-of-2 K from 4K to whatever you like, i.e. BUFK=8 will
- allocate a buffer of 8192 bytes.
- BUFFERSIZE=n Changes the circular buffer size from default 32K to specified
- buffer size, i.e. BUFFERSIZE=8000 will allocate a buffer
- of 8000 bytes.
- NOPROMPT Turns off the "Sashimi installed" prompt. This is useful if
- the Sashimi output is redirected to an AUTO CON window such
- as in conjunction with the CONSOLE option.
- QUIET Causes Sashimi to just buffer all debugging output.
- This effectively silences serial debugging output.
- ASKSAVE Cause Sashimi to ask you if you want to save the buffer
- when you exit Sashimi. If there's nothing in the buffer,
- it won't ask.
- ASKEXIT Cause Sashimi to ask you if you *really* want to exit if
- a [Ctrl]+C signal is received. This is good for people like
- me who might accidentally [Ctrl]+C in a Sashimi window when
- they meant to do it somewhere else. This option should
- only be used if Sashimi has an input stream - i.e. if Sashimi
- is not run/redirected, or if Sashimi has in/out redirection
- in a CONSOLE window.
- TIMERON Cause Sashimi to wake up every 1/10 second to check for
- output. Without this option, Sashimi will just wake up every
- time a carriage return or linefeed is output.
- CONSOLE This will make Sashimi open a console output window for itself
- which all input and output will go into. Unless you provide a
- console window specifier (see WINDOW option), Sashimi will use:
- CON:0/20/640/100/Sashimi [Ctrl]+E=Empty [Ctrl]+F=File [Ctrl]+D=Reset console/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT/INACTIVE
- WINDOW=name This option works in conjunction with the CONSOLE option and
- allows you to override the default console window specifier.
- Runtime options
- ===============
- OFF Signals the active running copy of Sashimi to exit.
- EMPTY Finds the active running copy of Sashimi and empties its
- buffer.
- SAVE Finds the active running copy of Sashimi and saves its buffer
- as "T:sashimi.out".
- SAVEAS=name Finds the active running copy of Sashimi and saves its buffer
- as the specified file name.
- Example startup usage
- =====================
- Sashimi ASKSAVE (in its own shell window)
- Run >NIL: Sashimi >"CON:0/20/640/120/Sashimi/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT/INACTIVE" ON NOPROMPT
- Run Sashimi >ram:hits (all output redirected to a file)
- Keyboard and Break signals
- ==========================
- [Ctrl]+C: To quit Sashimi, [Ctrl]+C it (if it has its own window), send it
- a [Ctrl]+C signal with the Break command, or run Sashimi a second
- time with the OFF keyword.
- [Ctrl]+D: This sends a control sequence to the output console to reset it.
- Very handy in case garbage data has changed the character set
- or the text rendering colours.
- [Ctrl]+E: Tells Sashimi to empty (clear) its buffer.
- [Ctrl]+F: Tells Sashimi to save its own buffer to the file "T:sashimi.out"
- Other runtime usage
- ===================
- Sashimi OFF ; tell active running Sashimi to try to exit
- Sashimi SAVE ; save buffer of active Sashimi
- Sashimi SAVEAS ram:myhits EMPTY ; save buffer as ram:myhits and clear buffer
- Usually, I just hit [Ctrl]+F in the Sashimi window, and it saves its buffer
- as "T:sashimi.out".
- Programmer interface
- ====================
- Sorry, no programmer interface. "Sushi" had one, but I did not see much
- sense in replicating this functionality.
- Why "Sashimi"?
- ==============
- I got bitten by bugs in "Sushi", and not just once. Whenever the Sushi
- circular buffer would wrap around, there was a good chance part of the buffer
- would still be filled with random data when getting saved to disk. If a large
- amount of data would be sent through the kprintf() interface, Sushi would
- occasionally "hickup" and regurgitate stale data from its buffer. I took
- this as indications that the Sushi buffer management code was none too
- robust. Another thing that struck me as odd was the fact that sometimes
- Sushi would stop reporting incoming kprintf() output and effectively behave
- as if it had been stopped with [Ctrl]+C. Sushi also had a tendency to block
- screen output when printing its buffer; it would output the buffer in a
- single Write() operation, causing the console window to lock the display.
- And while that operation was in progress, you could not suspend window output
- or stop it.
- Sashimi tries to do better in these situations. The algorithms for
- maintaining the circular buffer (or FIFO) are different. And just in case
- there is a bug in the code, I have provided the complete tool source code.
- Author
- ======
- Sashimi was written by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel, with "Sushi" by Carolyn
- Scheppner as a reference. Sushi was in turn influenced by the "Reporter"
- and "Detective" tools written by Steve Tibbett and Christian E. Hopps.
- My postal address:
- Olaf Barthel
- Brabeckstrasse 35
- D-30559 Hannover
- Federal Republic of Germany
- My e-mail address:
- olsen@sourcery.han.de
- History
- =======
- Sashimi 1.6 (20.6.99)
- - Sashimi could cause the entire system to hang due to an
- unmatched Disable() in the RawPutChar wedge [David Gerber].
- - If Sashimi is not already running "Sashimi OFF" will no
- longer restart it.
- Sashimi 1.5 (8.2.99)
- - Made the FIFO access routines into atomic operations. This
- reduces the risk of two programs trying to modify the
- FIFO bookkeeping variables at the same time.
- - Fixed a bug in the FIFO management code which would cause
- Sashimi to regurgitate stale data after a buffer overrun.
- Strangely, this was one of the bugs in Sushi I wanted to
- avoid...
- - Added the new RECOVER functionality.
- Sashimi 1.4 (11.9.98)
- - The Sashimi RawPutChar() patch now saves and restores
- the contents of A0 and A1. This is necessary since
- the KPutStr() code relies upon A0 to remain unchanged
- after each call to RawPutChar() [Stuart Kyzer Caie].
- Sashimi 1.3 (07.04.98)
- - Updated the console window title text
- Sashimi 1.2 (05.04.98)
- - Added the [Ctrl]+D console reset command.